


  You have to be you, before you can be them.在成为他们之前,请先成为你自己。

  You want to be like the famous actor, Brad Pitt.你希望成为像布拉德皮特那样知名的演员。

  You want to be like the talented basketball player, Lebron James.你希望成为像勒布朗·詹姆斯那样的天才篮球运动员。

  You want to be like the brilliant innovator, Bill Gates.你希望成为像比尔盖茨那样杰出的创新先锋。

  Some of you right now, you want to be like these people, you want to be on their level.

  Listen to me: You can’t get to that level. You can’t get to that level until you start to invest in your mind.此时此刻,你们当中的一些人希望成为他们那样的人,希望达到他们那样的高度。听我一句吧:你到不了那样的高度,除非你开始修炼自己的内心

  I dare you to invest in your mind in your OWN innovation.有胆你就以独有的方式修炼自己的心灵。

  I dare you to invest time in your own in your talent.有胆你就在你擅长的领域潜心钻研

  I dare you to be alone.有胆你就耐住独处的寂寞。

  I dare you to spend an HOUR alone to get to know yourself.有胆你就一个人花上一小时来了解自己。

  You’ve spent so much time with other people. You’ve spent SO MUCH TIME trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself! You’ve studied them, you know about them, you want to hang out like them, you want to be JUST LIKE THEM! And you know what? You’ve invested SO MUCH TIME IN THEM, you don’t even know who you are!你浪费了太多时间在别人身上,浪费了太多时间让别人来喜欢你,你对别人的了解甚至比自己还要多!你研究他们,了解他们,你想和他们一样酷,想变得和他们一模一样。可是你知道吗?你花了太多精力在他们身上,甚至不知道自己是谁了。

  I challenge YOU to spend time by yourself.我向你发出挑战:学会独处。

  But for people who are chasing their dreams, life has a special sort of meaning. When you become the “right person,” what you do is you start separating yourself from other people. You begin to have a certain uniqueness. As long as you follow other people, as long as you’re being a copy-cat, you will NEVER EVER BE the best copy-cat in the world.但对追逐梦想的人来说,人生有一种特殊的意义。当你成为了那个“对的人”,你就会把自己从别人身上剥离。你开始拥有独一无二的特质。一旦你追随他人的脚步,一旦你成了别人的模仿者,你就永远不会成为最棒的模仿者。

  I challenge you to define your value.我向你发出挑战:衡量自己的价值。

  Not everyone will see it. Not everyone will join you. Not everyone will have the vision. It’s NECESSARY to know that. You are an uncommon breed! It’s necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business – people who are hungry. People who are unstoppable and unreasonable. People who refuse to leave life just as it is and who want more!并不是所有人都会看清你的价值,不是所有人会和你一样,有那样的眼光。知道这一点很重要。也许在他们眼里,你就是个怪咖!你必须和那些富有激情的人交友,吸引他们加入你的行列。那些人势不可挡,甚至有些不可理喻,他们不愿苟且度日,渴望更精彩的人生!

  The people who are living their dreams are the people who know that if it’s gonna happen, it’s up to them.

  If you wanna be successful, if you wanna have and do stuff you’ve never done before…那些心怀梦想的人明白想要梦想成真,只有依靠自己。如果你想要成功,如果你想要做之前从未体验过的事情……

  I challenge you to invest in YOU.那么我向你发出挑战:修炼自己。

  Someone’s opinion of you does NOT have to become your reality. You don’t have to go through life being a victim. And even though you face disappointments, you must know within yourself, that you can do this. Even if no one helps you see to it, you must see it for yourself.别人对你的评价不一定就会成真,你也不必成为这些言语的受害者。即使面对失败,你内心深处也要明白,自己可以做到。即使没有人帮助你搞明白这一点,也必须相信自己。

  I challenge you to get to a place where people do not like or do not even bother you anymore. Why?我向你发出挑战:变成别人不会喜欢,甚至不屑一顾的样子。为什么?

  Because you’re not concerned with making them happy anyway. Because you’re trying to blow up. You’re trying to get to the next level. Because you’re investing in your mind.因为你的存在本来就不是为了取悦他人。因为你正努力蜕变,到达下一个高度。因为你正自我修炼着。

  If you’re still talking about your dream, if you’re still talking about your goals, but you have not done anything, JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP!如果你还有梦想,还有目标,但还没有付诸行动的话,那就迈出你的第一步吧!

  You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud, you can touch millions of lives and the world will never be the same again, because you came this way.你的父母,你的母校会为你感到骄傲,你会影响众人,改变世界,就因为你的行动。

  Don’t let anybody steal your dream. You may fail, and fail, and fail again. But you’re still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself…不要让任何人偷走你的梦想。你也许会一次又一次的跌倒,但你仍然抬头仰望着自己的梦想,对自己说……

  “It’s not over until I win.”“还没有胜利,这就不算结局。”

  You can live your dream.你能够成就自己的梦想。​​​​


上一篇 2022年6月6日
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