
1、Fate of Pig Bajie in Dream Journey OL – Yuku or Yinglong Armor?

The difference between these two equipment is not significant. It mainly depends on what you lack. If your defense is low, choose Yinglong Armor. If your HP is low, choose Yuku.

It is worth mentioning that the attributes of Yinglong Armor are actually changed based on the number of defensive waves and the soul flowers obtained. If neither of these two equipments is what you want, you can continue to brush the Kunlun Mountains alternate dungeon until you get the desired equipment.


2、The Best Armor for Pig Bajie in Dream Journey

Currently, the best is the legendary equipment “Jingtang” with full 60% three-attribute soul beads and full enhancement. There is also Yinglong Armor in Kunlun Mountains, but it’s very difficult to defeat. It’s not as good as the legendary one! Hope you accept the proposal.


3、Can Yinglong Armor in Dream Journey OL Evolve into Panlong Armor?

Can Yinglong Armor in Dream Journey OL evolve into Panlong Armor?

4、XP System C Drive 10G D Drive E Drive F Drive Now Want to Divide into 2 Drives

XP System C Drive 10G D Drive E Drive F Drive Now Want to Divide into 2 Drives. Disk partitioning software is not working well. The C drive has previously installed the system and the D drive also has a system installed. Now the D drive has been formatted, but when booting, it still shows two systems. Please ask how to initialize all the drives and redivide them into one drive, and provide methods and steps.


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